Tales, techniques, tricks and tantrums from one of the UK’s top portrait photographers. Never just about photography but always about things that excite - or annoy - me as a full-time professional photographer, from histograms to history, from apertures to apathy, or motivation to megapixels. Essentially, anything and everything about the art, creativity and business of portrait photography. With some off-the-wall interviews thrown in for good measure!

Friday Feb 01, 2019
Ep.40 Idle Musings on Lists, Plans & Avoiding Disasters!
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Just me in this one. Me, a microphone, a failed hard drive, a hacked website and some notes no lists and plans. It's been an interesting couple of days!
If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also head over to iTunes and leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Ep.39 - Interview With David Calvert
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
In this episode, it is my great pleasure to interview renowned photographer David Calvert FMPA FBIPP who is not only a wonderful photographer, but a true gentleman in the industry as well!
The conversation talks about his passion for portraits, how he first became a photographer, his aversion to debt (he learned that the hard way) and how he came to photograph a family's pet dog that had already ceased to be. There are many useful nuggets in here - about anxiety, running a photography business and how getting qualified can help negate your insecurities.
During the interview he mentions a couple of photographers - notably David Bailey and Patrick Lichfield - and refer's to Lichfield's book The Most Beautiful Women which was published back in 1981. If you're curious, you can buy a secondhand copy of the book for just a few pounds on Amazon UK.
If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also head over to iTunes and leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Ep.38 Interview With David Stanbury
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
In this interview it is my pleasure to be interviewing a great friend of mine and supreme wedding photographer, David Stanbury FMPA FSWPP FBIPP, where we talk about how he became a photographer, how being forced into a position where it had to make money might not have been such a bad thing (though it didn't feel like it at the time) and why he prefers red cabbage to Brussel sprouts. Who knew?
You can see more of David (and his wife, Jane's) work here.
We're also talking about the workshop myself and David are going to be hosting in Italy towards the end of March this year (details can be found at www.the2fellows.co.uk). At the time of publishing the podcast, we have a couple of places left so if you fancy a week talking of nothing but the business of wedding and portrait photography, drinking a little wine, eating a little pizza and laughing an awful lot then this is the workshop you've been waiting for. Visit the website to see why.
Dave also mentions an amazing book during the interview: it's called Shades Of Grey by the incredible Oscar Marzaroli and you can still get copies on Amazon.
If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also head over to iTunes and leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Ep. 37 Be Careful Who You Listen To
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Happy New Year! Here's to a fantastic 2019!
Had a few weeks off and feeling pretty excited about what this year will bring. And am back recording new podcasts having enjoyed the break. This podcast is just me musing on why it's important to be careful of what and who you pay attention to. Why? Well, if you're anything like me, you swing between creative confidence and complete self-doubt - and the more photographers I speak to, the more I realise that many of us fee the same way. You have to pick and choose with a little care if you don't want to feel demotivated and insecure rather than inspired and driven.
If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also head over to iTunes and leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Monday Dec 10, 2018
Ep.36 Interview: Terrie Jones On Photograpy Competitions
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Photography competitions can be a bit of a mystery: what are judges looking for; how do I prep the images; what subjects do better than others; how much post-production is encouraged? The list goes one.
As Head Of Judging for the Societies, Terrie Jones is in charge of one of the biggest photographic competitions in the UK and so I thought it would be fun to have a chat about her views and to talk about the fast-approaching SWPP Convention in London in January 2019. If you're curious about photography competitions then it is well worth listening to what she has to say as there are plenty of insights in this interview.
Terrie recommends a book during the podcast: it's called 'Book Of Judges' and is by Vincent O'Byrne and can be bought directly from his website here.
Details of the Convention can be found at http://swpp.co.uk/convention/ and you can find more information about the Superclass and Masterclass that I'm hosting at http://swpp.co.uk/convention/2019/speaker-bio-Wilkinson4840.htm These proved to be hugely popular last year (though I don't think I'll be presenting in black tie this year!) and we would love to see you in 2019! Please do come along and make this party everything we'd love it to be!
If you enjoy this podcast, head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also head over to iTunes and leave us a review - they're really useful for driving up our audience and our position in search engines!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Ep.35 Interview With Juliet Jones Of The Societies
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
One of the most useful things any photographer can do, is attend seminars, workshops and trades shows, and one of the biggest of those in the UK is the SWPP Convention.
I have always loved this convention for its mix of networking and learning - plus it’s just after Christmas which gives me something in the calendar to look forward to as the memory of sherry, mince pies, pine needles stuck in your socks, refuse cans stuffed full of discarded (and non-recyclable wrapping paper), the fire hazard that is tinsel, bloated stomachs, impressively average cracker jokes, the Queen’s speech and dodgy afternoon movies fades into the dim and distant past. Just when you think the next thing to get excited about is an Easter egg or the hope of a Valentine’s card, there’s the SWPP Convention to cheer you up and set you on your way for the year.
In this podcast it is my pleasure to be chatting to Juliet Jones who, as Managing Director of the Societies, is responsible for putting on one of the my favourite networking events of the year.
Details of the Convention can be found at http://swpp.co.uk/convention/ and you can find more information about the Superclass and Masterclass that I'm hosting at http://swpp.co.uk/convention/2019/speaker-bio-Wilkinson4840.htm These proved to be hugely popular last year (though I don't think I'll be presenting in black tie this year!) and we would love to see you in 2019! Please do come along and make this party everything we'd love it to be!
If you enjoy this podcast, head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also head over to iTunes and leave us a review - they're really useful for driving up our audience and our position in search engines!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Ep.34 Interview With Martin Baynes Of Graphistudio
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
One of the great joys of creating this podcast is that I get to talk to lots of people who I genuinely like and find interesting. This week it’s Martin Baynes, Sales And Marketing Director For Graphistudio UK And Ireland. Sarah and I have been friends with Martin for a very long time now and so I thought it would be fun to put that relationship to the test and stick him in front of a microphone!
We have used Graphistudio albums for about ten years now and their incredible products sit right at the heart of our business (our clients love them - particularly the hand-finishing and the gorgeous leathers!) but the reason I asked Martin to come and be interviewed is because his experience is much broader than that and he brings a viewpoint that encompasses so much of this industry.
If you enjoy this podcast, head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE head over to iTunes and leave us a review - they're really useful for driving up our audience and our position in search engines!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Monday Nov 12, 2018
Ep.33 Interview with Katy Walsh, Red Fox Studios
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Monday Nov 12, 2018
This podcast is an interview with Katy Walsh, photographer, owner of Red Fox Studios in Henley and the founder of a new venture: We Are Curious Photography Workshops. Katy is lovely and we talk about her background, how she founded the studio and what she's hoping will come from the new workshops.
If you enjoy this podcast, head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE head over to iTunes and leave us a review - they're really useful for driving up our audience and our position in search engines!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact us at info@masteringportraitphotography.com.

Monday Nov 05, 2018
Ep.32 Learning Lessons In Las Vegas
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
In this podcast, I have returned from a family trip to Las Vegas where I saw the most amazing things, ate incredible food and had a wonderful holiday. Along the way, I learned a few lessons about how it feels to BE a customer and how some people can make you feel valued (and others struggle with the concept!) In the end, a great customer experience can lead to great sales!
If you enjoy this podcast, head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact us at info@masteringportraitphotography.com.

Monday Oct 29, 2018
Ep.31 The Client Experience
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Monday Oct 29, 2018
In this episode it's back to just me on my own - feels a bit weird not having someone to interview (and yet I STILL managed to create a one-hour podcast! Someone stop me!) Anyway, this one is all about the client experience and how it feels from their (not your) point of view. Enjoy!
If you enjoy this podcast, head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact us at info@masteringportraitphotography.com.