Tales, techniques, tricks and tantrums from one of the UK’s top portrait photographers. Never just about photography but always about things that excite - or annoy - me as a full-time professional photographer, from histograms to history, from apertures to apathy, or motivation to megapixels. Essentially, anything and everything about the art, creativity and business of portrait photography. With some off-the-wall interviews thrown in for good measure!

Sunday May 26, 2019
Ep.50 Interview With Terry Hope, Editor, Professional Photo Magazine
Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
In this podcast I get to chat with Terry Hope, the long standing editor of Professional Photo Magazine and its newbie publisher, having acquired the magazine just a few short weeks ago.
Having trained as a photographer Terry went straight into journalism and has worked on titles as varied as Camera Weekly, Amateur Photographer and Professional Photographer. He was part of the team that launched Bright Publishing 13 years ago and was launch editor of Digital Photo Pro, which morphed into Professional Photo a few years back. As the new owner Terry is looking to shake up the title and to introduce lots of fresh ideas and online features, and to kick things off a new website at www.professionalphoto.online has just been launched.
In this interview, he chats about his life, career, the industry (magazine and photography) and how he used to play bass in a punk band.
During the interview, as we always do, Terry added the book "Dogs" by Elliott Erwitt to our photographer's libary - you can buy your copy at Abe Books. Our library is growing fast (we order a copy of each of the books mentioned as I have always loved being surrounded by books!)
If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Monday May 20, 2019
Ep.49 On The Way Home From The Gym...
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
This podcast really is about the importance of relationships - particularly those with your clients - how some of those can play out in your career.
I don't know if this podcast makes too much of an intellectual point other than it being a vehicle for me to be proud of our son, Jake. That's the nice thing about a podcast: I occasionally get a chance to wax lyrical about the people I love around me, whether family, friends or clients.
Still, it's only a short one so you can get through it in the time it takes to have a cup of tea, import the images from a couple of memory cards or play a few levels on Lemmings!
If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Tuesday May 14, 2019
Ep.48 Mark Seymour, Documentary Photographer
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
In this podcast it is an absolute joy to interview the fantastic documentary photographer, Mark Seymour. Mark has spent many years at the top of the wedding profession but is equally at home (maybe more at home these days) creating iconic street documentary images - so much so that images are featured in the National Geographic magazine.
In the interview we talk about many aspects of life, the job and family and Mark's disaster one fateful day when a concerned wedding venue had to call to ask him why he hadn't yet arrived!
As an avid collector of books, Mark mentions three in particular (though the titles here are not quite as he recalls):
- Contact Sheets, Magnum (one that we have featured previously)
- The Life Of A Photograph by Sam Abell (during the podcast, Mark refers to this as "Two Shots" which may have been an overseas title of the book - at least, I couldn't find any reference to a book of that name but, given Mark's description, this appears to be the correct one.)
- The World from My Front Porch by Larry Towell
These links go to abebooks.co.uk which has a vast range of titles available and is noticeably cheaper than Amazon!
If you're interested in attending one of Mark's incredible Street Photography courses, details can be found here.
If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Tuesday May 07, 2019
Ep.47 All Things Brand From Cars To Conversations
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
This podcast was triggered by us selling our trusty Land Rover Defender (though we are replacing it with a newer one) and pondering on why we chose such an esoteric car at the heart of our business. Well, of course, it's all part of the brand we decided to build. And so I thought I'd chat a bit about just that: brand.
It's so easy to think the brand is your logo, or website, or brochure design or, simply, your images but, of course, it's not quite so simple. Your brand is everything your clients experiences, and I do mean everything. And that includes my beloved Land Rover.
If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Ep.46 Interview: David Bostock, Wedding Photographer
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
This episode was recorded in the hotel lobby at The Societies Convention 2019, so forgive the background noise (and the unexpected accompaniment of a random pianist!) I am interviewing the incredible wedding photographer and all-round nice guy, David Bostock.
We talk about all things photography, saxophone playing, the importance of pursuing the image and the strategy of always selling albums.
David also mentions his favourite photographers (Bob Carlos Clarke and Horst P. Horst) and his favourite book Clarke's The Dark Summer.
If you enjoyed this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Ep.45 Photography Judges Should Not Be Rude
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
It's just me this episode, wittering away about the week that's been and something that was raised during a recent presentation to a camera club: that photography judges can be pretty rude. And I don't think it's right or proper that this is the case: judges should be polite, constructive, inspiring, entertaining and, most of all, supportive.
During this episode, I also mention the announcement of The 2 Fellows Workshop - details for the 2020 workshop in Graphistudio's Castello Ceconi can be found at www.the2fellows.co.uk. We'd love to see you there!
If you did enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Ep.44 Interview: Scott Johnson, The Edge Photography
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
So it's been a week or three since recording a podcast primarily due to being out on location in Italy co-hosting The 2 Fellows workshop with David Stanbury (shameless plug: if you'd like details of the 2020 workshop then head over to the2fellows.co.uk where we'll be releasing details for next year.)
In this podcast, I get to chat (in a VERY loud restaurant) to the inimitable wedding photographer, Scott Johnson, about his work, his history and his business. Lots of great things in here - listen out for how selling files on USB nearly cost him his business (his words, not mine.)
Also listen out for a cacophony of culinary sound effects in the background!
Scott mentions a couple of books in the podcast:
Both these books are well worth a read - I'm ordering them for our studio library!
If you did enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Ep.43 Interview: Keith Roberts Paragon Pixels Founder
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
In this interview, I get to chat with Keith Roberts who had the masterstroke idea of matching top portrait photographers with the world's top cruise line.
He talks about his life prior to setting up Paragon Pixels with many funny stories along the way (listen out for how he managed to screw up a critical roll of film while working in medical photography, leaving him barricaded inside the hospital dark room!)
Keith is a remarkable guy on a number of levels - not least of which, is that he is a phenomenal photographer in his own right but has spent most of his life promoting the work of others (something that is all too rare!) It was his idea to match up some of the world's top portrait photographers with the world's top cruise line and, along with Phil, his brother, and Phil's wife, Lydia, he set up the company which now delivers beautiful images to discerning passengers around the globe.
And I am very lucky to BE one of those photographers!
Keith cites his favourite book as Steve McCurry's South Southeast. Enjoy!
If you did enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Ep.42 Portraits On A Cruise Ship? Things You Never Considered.
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
It's just me for this episode: me, a microphone and my musings on creating portraits when on board a ship.
When I first encountered the luxury cruise ship that was to be our home and business for the next month, I thought that creating images on board would be a simple extension of what we do here at the studio. Of course, there are similarities but there are also innumerable unexpected factors to consider. Such as what happens when the ship changes it's bearing or how the different spaces of the ship are utilised during the day, making picking a spot that bit more complicated!
If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk

Monday Feb 25, 2019
Ep.41 Interview: Ellie Sanderson, Bridal Gown Boutique Owner
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
The great thing about having my own podcast is that I get to talk to lots of interesting people - not, necessarily, from within the photographic industry.
Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE my industry, but I think there is much to be learned from outside the industry too and, besides, the world is full of really cool people full stories, experiences and insight that just might (and I stress just might) be useful when it comes to running a photography business.
While this interview focusses on Ellie's hugely successful wedding gown boutiques, there are plenty of snippets that are useful from customer care, looking after employees, using data and, most importantly, some top tips when photographing wedding gowns.
Ellie's website is worth a look as it is beautifully designed. Much to be learned there too! It can be found at https://elliesanderson.co.uk/
If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to Mastering Portrait Photography where there are articles and videos about this wonderful industry. You can subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, PodBean and Spotify.
PLEASE also leave us a review - we'd love to hear what you think!
If there are any topics you would like to hear, have questions we could answer or would simply like to come and be interviewed on the podcast, please contact me at paul@paulwilkinsonphotography.co.uk